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Writer's pictureSheshona Collins

Unity | An Open Conversation With Kashay Jamerson

As of lately me and my sister been talking more than we had in years! I open the article in this fashion to remind readers that sometimes you never know what people are going through. It's necessary to show the ones you care about grace and compassion. Also ask for such during seasons you aren't feeling like yourself. It's so easy to take things personal or out of context if you don't have all the details. If you truly love and care about those closest to you, please work on your communication skills.

Communication can make or break relationships. Thank God me and my sister decided our relationship isn't going to break due to the lack of communication.

It's been a while since I picked at her brain so this was definitely a fun experience.

Everyone meet my lovely sister Kashay Jamerson!

What are your thoughts on monogamy vs. polygamy?

Kashay: My views on Polygamy vs Monogamy are as follows, for one to each is own, if you handle the life style go for it but personally I feel that polygamy is usually one sided, I have never seen both parties with multiple partners only one, I feel it’s more of a selfish lifestyle because each of those partners still have an obligation and expectations to fill for that person. For monogamy, I feel it’s best to stick with what is traditional, we as people I think have enough to offer on our own, trying to spread yourself evenly among 2-5 ppl is very unrealistic, it’s hard just getting to know one person and vice versa. Also if their are children involved I believe it’s better to show them what you would want for them.

When you think of God, what comes to mind?

Kashay: When I think of god I think of a higher being, not a human, creature or anything like that more like an entity, I believe that god is within us, we all have choices, know right from wrong and when we come to that crossroads of deciding between the two I believe that part of us that knows better is God giving us a choice to do right or wrong.

Why do you think humans exist?

Kashay: I simply think we exist to take care of the earth, and the animals, which I believe we could do way better, and mainly to repopulate, we are all made a certain way and have certain parts that do a certain job, that’s as simple as that gets, anything else I think is just our autonomy.

Some people value knowledge over wisdom, what are your thoughts of the two?

Kashay: I don’t value one over the other, I believe that wisdom is something you earn with the experience of life or from being very self-disciplined, knowledge is a good thing to have but I believe you have to be humble, some people think they are too smart to be taught anything more than.

If your life was a movie what would you title it and why?

Kashay: What lies ahead! because no matter what I go through, have been through or think I know, you never know what life throws at you but all you can do is keeping looking forward.

What's a valuable lesson you've learned since being an adult?

Kashay: Trust your instincts, no matter what others may tell you, believe in yourself and don’t let others determine your path and believe people when they show you their true colors the 1st time! Also hard lessons are a part of love but they don’t have to be your life! Learn from those before you and your own self past mistakes.


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