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Writer's pictureSheshona Collins

Spreading Suicide Awareness And More With Leekoh The Clown!

When you think of clowns what comes to mind? Big red noses, goofy shoes and silly hair? Well recently I took a deep dive into the industry of clown work and I specifically wanted to know the intimate details that lead to someone becoming a clown! I was introduced to Star Byrge in a group chat with some of my business associates. It didn't take long before we started to engage with each other's content online, yet there's a side to Star I didn't know about for a while - she does clown work! She invited me to checkout her page called "Leekoh The Clown".

Like many people around the world I'm not too interested in clowns - but I'm not afraid of them either. I secretly get a good laugh out of people who are afraid of clowns (don't tell anyone lol). I was determined to keep an open mind while checking out her content and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised! I definitely wanted to know more about Star/Leekoh so I asked would she be interested in doing an interview with me and she said yes! So without further delay everyone meet Star/ Leekoh The Clown!


What first inspired you to become a clown, particularly for Halloween and haunted attractions? Was there a specific moment or experience that drew you in?

Leekoh: I've been in the haunt industry since I was 25 years old. Back in Utah I did my first haunted house in a basement of the elks, it was a blast! The idea that I can dress up and nobody knows its me and scare people I found fun.

I'm not so much hands-on with haunts anymore,I'm now a media entertainer. I do Leekoh on several platforms. (Leekoh Layer) I have approximately 10,000 fans / supporters across these platforms. So that's how Leekoh came about.

How did you come up with the character "Leekoh The Clown"? Does she have a backstory or unique traits that set her apart from other clowns?

Leekoh: Absolutely! Every clown you'll meet will be different. A lot of them are scary and demonic but that's not what I wanted with Leekoh. In my eyes she is beautiful and unique by the way she holds herself. She came to life 3 years ago with the help of my son and friends. My son had a mask and his wife didn't want to wear it, so I said "Hey I'll wear that, it's beautiful!" It took me about 6 months to get everything I needed to bring Leekoh to the public eye.

She does have a back story! Her dad was in a traveling circus and her mother was in a side show. They were both raised around the circus and her mother have never spoken or smile until she met Leekoh's father. They started traveling together and learned that it isn't just evil in the world! It isn't just people who comes to see the side show. There are good people out there! When they married, Leekoh was the only child and was born with a smile on her face. My mother wanted us to smile all the time, and once she started she never stopped. So that's why Leekoh has a smile on her face.

How do your family and friends feel about your career as a traveling Halloween clown? Have their reactions changed over time?

Leekoh: A lot of people thought I was absolutely crazy (and perhaps I am - a little bit). Bringing Leekoh to life has been one of the most exciting and rewarding things I've ever done in my life! It opened up doors I never knew would be possible and given me the courage to speak out about hard stuff. I have a show called "Live with Leekoh", where guest come to share their story! It's amazing to me that I can bring them on my platform and a lot of the time it's healing for them and me as well.My girls didn't really get into it, but to my grandkids I am Leekoh.

How do you balance your personal life with the unique demands of traveling and performing as Leekoh? Is it difficult to maintain relationships with such an unconventional job?

Leekoh: I no longer travel anymore, but if I did it wouldn't be an issue because Leekoh is a very important part of my life. It isn't difficult to maintain relationships because I've met some of the most amazing people you can ever come across in your life through being Leekoh! It has brought me a better understanding of people and given me the courage to speak out about things such as suicide awareness. I'm in a group called (J.R.'s Hunt: For Life) we offer suicide support to anyone who has been touched by suicide in any way. We are international and there for anyone whose struggling. So if you or anyone you know are struggling, please reach out! You are never,never,never alone! You are loved and needed and we want you to stay here.

Have you ever faced any negative reactions or misunderstandings from people who learn about your work? How do you handle these situations?

Leekoh: I absolutely do! A lot of people will either like you or they don't as a clown. For 2 years I was Leekoh and half the people I know didn't even know it was me. Lol it never bothered me if people knew I was Leekoh - because I am proud of Leekoh, she's amazing! She helps people by speaking on things that may be hard for some to talk about and encourages them by letting them know that someone is here and I care!

I handle negative situations by skirting around without being rude back. There's no sense in trading jabs with people, it'll just turn into a brawl on social media and who wants that? I usually scroll by and if I'm live streaming, I kick them out. No matter what you do, you're going to have people coming at you who don't understand you or where you're coming from, and that's okay. We are not here for people to understand who we are, we are here to be true to ourselves, be kind to others and spread love.

Do you find that playing Leekoh gives you an opportunity to express a different side of yourself? How does this character reflect or differ from who you are in your everyday life?

Leekoh: Absolutely it does! Being Leekoh gives me the courage to speak up about stuff I've been wanting to talk about for very long time. Very seldom do I go unmasked in my live streams. For an example if my guest has an issue with clowns and can't look or talk to me with the mask on (most guest that prefers me without the mask are suicide survivors).

I think I've brought Leekoh and Star together in an amazing formation. I bring to the table what I want back - which is love, acceptance, kindness, and respect. I also want people to give me a chance to be me! Don't judge me because you think I'm different, because I'm honestly not. I may put a mask on and do my stuff but I'm the same person underneath. I still care about people regardless of how they come at me. I don't rebound with anger or hatred.

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about yourself through your work as a clown, and how has it shaped your outlook on both your personal and professional life?

Leekoh: Being Leekoh has been the most awesome thing I've ever done for myself. I have brought to life a voice, that doesn't back down and talks about suicide awareness, mental health awareness and self care. My brother was murdered and I will talk about whatever my guest wants because everyone deserves to have their story out! If you want to be a guest on my show, feel free to contact me.

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Sep 05
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

That's me!! I'm Leekoh! Lol. Ty Shona Speaks!! Love ya girl

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