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Writer's pictureSheshona Collins

Network To Raise Your NetWorth!

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

For those of you who are new to this blog, welcome! My name is Shona (Show-nuh). I came up with the name Center Peace a while back. The name represents balancing the feminine and masculine energy, doing so opens up the duality to many facets in life (within and without). Now that full introductions are out the way, let’s dive in to the main topic of this article (NETWORKING)!

As I was brainstorming for Peace Allure, I had to ask myself a few questions: Why do I want to blog and what can I blog about that would be of interest to others?

*Quick disclaimer it is important to know WHAT you want to do , and WHY you want to do it. Versus trying to take on a career path that isn't authentic to you, and figuring it out later. I will expand more in video form very soon.

Aligning with new people while growing your brand can be challenging. Especially if some goals are unrealistic (we’ve all been there🙃)! To be completely honest,my introverted ways has been my biggest road block towards my social and economic goals. What you know is just as important as who you know, that’s something that must be understood. Being an introvert can stop many from wanting to network. Leading to us sitting on a treasure chest filled with gold, but refusing to open it (what a waste)!

It’s VERY essential to put ourselves out there even when we feel like going against the grain, do it anyways! Trust me, we usually thank ourselves later or learn from our mistakes! Present yourself to the world, not just to people you grew up with or family! I promise this will get you further in life.

As of now, I’ve been blogging for approximately 8 months (give or take), and oh boy it’s been a blessing! Coming together with people from all over the world has expanded my mind. Not to mention how I perceive myself and others. We have limitless potential and it’s truly up to us (the master of our universe) to see that. This is strictly and ONLY our own responsibility!

Each person and company you see on this platform I reached out to them, or they reached out to me. That’s the power of networking! Being afraid to start a project, or introduce ourselves to others will forever hold us back. Clinging to what‘s familiar will lead us to only do the bare minimum and it will show in our results! It’s important to expand beyond our comfort zones while being realistic that becoming an overnight sensation isn’t everyone’s reality (or desire). So the work must get put in!

Our consistency dictates our outcome,and our authenticity dictates others personal interest in what we have to offer. Authenticity is WAY more important then anything honestly. What you see on this platform is really me! My interaction with others are genuine, and so should yours if you want to form real connections around yourself and brand.

If it comes a point where we find ourselves faking it or just doing something to “just be doing it”, life will come in with a very humble lesson. Be authentic and expand from there, the rewards will be more fruitful and cherished. No more just sitting on our treasure chest. There’s no better time then now to open ourselves up to the world!

I really hope this helped someone out there, and if not send this to someone who could use this form of motivation. It’s the little things that can make a big difference in our lives and for those we care about, Namaste. ❤️


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