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Writer's pictureSheshona Collins

Meet your blogger!

Updated: Dec 31, 2019

Hello, I go by the nickname Center Peace. I'm a 23 year-old originally from Muskegon, Michigan now residing in the busy city of Houston,Texas. Mom, business owner and blogger are just a few badges I wear, as I'm constantly reinventing myself.

Many years of my life (childhood included) I would look in the mirror and ask, "Who are you?" and "What's your life purpose?" Finding the answers to these questions weren't easy. The constant turmoil of judgement from society, family dynamics, and being the "black sheep" among peers truely dictated how I showed up in this world. This kept me in a cycle of depression, stagnantion and living in the shadows.

This past year I decided it was time to step out the shadows. No more stagnation and I gave depression the longest breakup letter ever, Sayonara! Everyday I'm living my lifes purpose and that brings me so much joy! Embracing my spirituality and individuality is what lead me...TO ME! The intentions behind this blog wasn't to rant about me and my life, no, no, no! I would also like to extend my platform to you the business owner, coach, mom, the INDIVIDUAL etc. I'm searching for people who aren't afraid of a little vulnerability while getting a chance to share themselves with the world. There are many stories to tell and lessons to pull from them all. Let's connect and inspire.

Welcome to Peace Allure!


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