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Writer's pictureSheshona Collins

Interview With Recording Artist - AIR

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

During this time everyone needs some form of healing in one way or another. By now you guys should know one of my favorite ways to raise my vibration is through music!

In the beginning of January I came across an artist from Dallas, Tx by the name “AIR”. Her sound is round, bold and her voice is a powerhouse of base! Which brings back memories of the 80s and 90s RnB era. Two songs I find myself playing a lot from her EP titled California are “Moon light and “Dream”! She also collaborated with artist hippie.snooks on a track called “Love High”.

The greatness doesn’t stop there though. Beyond the music, she's a very down to earth woman and radiates humbleness. During our interview together her pure heart really shined and I’m honored to have met her. Without further due allow me to introduce you all to AIR!

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Where did the stage name AIR come from?

AIR: Well my first name is Keaira... KE-AIR-A... and I’m a Gemini which is an AIR sign

Based on your EP titled California, what aspect of yourself were you bringing to listeners?

AIR: To follow your dreams. Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams do not matter. Whatever you want to do in life is what you should do!

What was the feeling like performing some of these songs for the first time?

AIR: Nerve racking lol! I never knew how to perform, only sing. But the more I did it, the more comfortable I got.

From a promotional standpoint, what are you doing differently today, versus when you first came out as an artist?

AIR: Performing EVERYWHERE! Being seen is important in this industry so you have to go out a lot. Also, posting posting POSTING! Stay social within the media and supporting others.

Are there any other artist you enjoy sharing your spotlight with?

AIR: hippie.snooks! That girl is too much for me

Has singing always been a passion of yours? Was there ever a point in time you considered exploring other life paths?

AIR: Singing is my life. I honestly can’t see myself doing anything else. The dream has to come true or I’m gonna be seriously stuck.

What is your ultimate goal with being in the music industry?

AIR: To be an inspiration to a lot of people and to give back. I feel like everyone should give and I believe these two things are what God put me on this earth for.

Let's play with our imagination! Where would your dream performance be at, and what would the stage setup look like?

AIR: Madison Square Garden! I want that stage lit with blue purple and red lights with dancers and chill people vibing out. Honestly I would literally have a party on my stage!

What advice do you have for readers and fans?

Air: Don’t give up. Whatever it is, it doesn’t happen overnight. Strive hard to be whatever it is YOU want to be. Be patient and DO NOT GET COMFORTABLE! Be true to yourself and think of others. Never lose sight of what you’re capable of and who you could be. You’re more than what you think.

Where can you be reached for booking?


You can find AIR music on all streaming platforms:


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