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Writer's pictureSheshona Collins

Exclusive interview with Diamond The Goddess of Apothecary

Okay, ladies it’s time we get in touch with our inner divinity (men you too)! It’s so easy for us to go about our day to day and forget about treating our inner Gods and Goddess! Fear not, because Diamond Rogers is here to save the day! Her resume speaks for itself let me tell you!

Located in Jackson,Mississippi she’s a certified nail technician and owner of Diamond Nail Studio! Coming from someone who doesn’t like getting her nails done, I totally would let Diamond bless my nails! Her work is pretty amazing, yet It doesn’t stop there though.

She’s the owner of Goddess Apothecary Herbal and Spirit shop. Offering and abundance of body and self care essentials such as: bath salts,bombs scrubs, and oils. Her prices are affordable and fair, so don’t hesitate to get yourself or loved ones some goodies! Oh you guys thought that was it? Nope, there’s more!

This Goddess is an intuitive life coach as well! Where is the humanitarian award because this woman needs it?! You can book different sessions with her depending on the services that you need, she also offer reiki healing and tarot readings!

Diamond also is a personal chef, and offer catering services under the name Sweet Peas Vegan Eatery, being Mississippi first Vegan food truck. Seeing a women in power and taking control of their life by any means is always refreshing! I got the chance to chat with Diamond about it all!

Keep reading below for details of our interview:

Being an Apothecary Store owner, nail tech, yoga and meditation instructor are just a few of your badges. How do you find balance between it all?

Diamond: Whew child lol. It is a constant struggle sometimes but I think whats really helped me survive is that I have to learn to be patient with myself and how the world moves around me. I do my best to make sure that I schedule my day accordingly. Time management is definitely important and being that I am an Entrepreneur I have the freedom to work my own hours and set my own schedule. I try to make sure I prioritize my time between myself, my family and my businesses. Off days are the first thing I schedule for the week. Ive learned that if I schedule time for myself first. I am my main priority and taking time off to take care of yourself is important, especially when your time is split between so many people and ventures. Family time is always thrown in the mix right after. Then I now have my work hours for the week split between the salon, the Apothecary and Sweet Peas.

What initially drew you to become an Apothecary?

Diamond: Well I initially started making scrubs when I was in school for massage therapy in 2010. We where discussing The benefits of exfoliating and we where doing body scrubs, studying herbs and aromatherapy. I feel in love with herbs and oils then. It wasn’t until years later after I opened my salon that I really got interested in herbals. At the same time I was going through a transformation of my own and I was using more natural and holistic approach to living and herbs was a part of that. So I started making herbal scrubs for the myself and the kids creating Goddess Apothecary, which in the beginning was just scrubs, bath salts and bath bombs, and I integrated it into my salon services and it soon expanded into the Apothecary that it is now with an expanding product list.

What are some popular items in your store currently? Do you have an personal favorites?

Diamond: Oh my goodness, it’ll be hard to just pinpoint one down for myself cause I love each of my products in their own way but as far as my best seller, that would be my Hello Sunshine Scrub and the Rose Goddess Scrub. Everyone loves those and I am constantly out of them. What’s so crazy is I made these scents for women but the guys love them just as equally or even more lol. I kid you not my customers are buying two to three jars at a time (one to use, one for everyone to use, and one to hide lol).

How would clients typically describe a yoga/meditation session with you?

Diamond: The last couple of yoga sessions I’ve had have been beyond amazing and more than what I expected. I recently started back teaching after not practicing for a while. I just didn’t know if teaching yoga would be something I did on the regular. I had many self imposed doubts that hindered me from my practice. It wasn’t until I had an “aah haa” moment that I realized I was tripping. So I started back up and my clients tell me now that they have had so much transformation within themselves within the few times we had class. They are more relaxed and the class has really helped them to uncover somethings about themselves. I was blown cause I hadn’t taught in almost a year and I was so nervous my first class, so their feedback was definitely a sign that I am on the right path with continuing.

Do you offer any online sessions as well?

Diamond: As of right now I do not offer online classes but it is something I am looking to incorporate in the near future.

You still find time to be a nail technician as well,wow you are a busy woman! How did that passion come about?

Diamond: I’ve been doing nails as long as I can remember. It started after one summer of visiting my Grandma Katie. My cousin Christie came down from up north, I could never remember cause I was so young and all I knew was McComb and Summit, MS lol. But Christie brought nail polishes and press ons and all kinds of nail stuff and glitter with her. I was fascinated and I’ve been doing them ever since.

How has social media influence your craft and creativity?

Diamond: Social media definitely has helped a lot. It has its pitfalls but for the most part it was help grown my business, expanding my vision and reach. In a way it gives me a vision of what is next and needed within each of my businesses (how I can do my part). By looking at the trends, information and feedback coupled with my creative intuitive view I can craft a product or a service tailored to the collective need.

Do you ever feel the need to be competitive to others in same line of work as you?

Diamond: I remember when I started to promote and push my business on IG (Instagram). At first I did feel a slight need to, I was new and I was just getting the hang. So I was trying what ever it took to get views and likes, hopefully get clients. It took some growing up and gaining more knowledge about social media. Using it to your advantage: taking your craft, niche or passion and letting that be your fuel to create content that gains it own light. Those who get it, get it. It took a minute for me to get this but since I’ve focused more on doing that and not the lesser I’ve created my own wave.

How do you deal with negativity on social media?

Diamond: I stay away from it as much as possible and I try not to engage in it at all if I can help it. Social media will take you there sometimes, so I try no to comment or respond to anything negative or triggering. Majority of the time it’s doesn’t heed a response anyway and needs to be ignored. I keep it simple no response and delete.

Where can you be reached at for consultation of your services?

Diamond: I can be reached by email at or leave me a message on my site at

To book nail services go to


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