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Writer's pictureSheshona Collins

A Conversation About God With Jada Lockhart!

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Jada Lockhart for a heartfelt conversation about God, faith, and spirituality. Jada shares her personal journey, the challenges she's faced, and how her faith has shaped her perspective on life. Join us as we explore her insights on deepening one's relationship with God, finding purpose, and navigating the complexities of faith in the modern world. Whether you're on your own spiritual journey or simply curious about Jada's experiences, this conversation is sure to inspire and uplift.


Can you share your testimony and how your faith journey began?

Jada: I have so many! But where my faith journey began I’d say was around 13/14. Now I’ve been in the Church all my life: Choir, Dance, hospitality all of that. This particular night, our church had an evangelist come for our revival. She called me up while I was worshipping and ministered as well as prayed for me. I fell straight back! After service, everyone was concerned because I guess I fell pretty hard. I was weeping and worshipping in the spirit! I literally didn’t feel a thing and it’s crazy that I lowkey anticipated the pain of hitting the ground. When I say it felt like I landed on a cloud, Shona I mean just that! I asked my parents why I didn’t feel it and they explained to me that when you’re in the spirit you won’t hurt yourself. I guess it was that experienced that lead me to openly praising God and receive his spirit. I could go on! There’s numerous situations that got me where I am spiritually today, but that was one of the first real moments that began my faith journey.

How has your faith influenced your involvement within the city of Muskegon,MI?

Jada: I can’t say that it has, but I for sure have had some ideas I just need to figure out how to make them happen. My cousin and I created a women’s prayer group chat (we’ve drawn in a few ladies). Still small, but open to growth for those that want to join! We put in prayer requests, fast, send reels etc. Just trying to uplift each other, spread love, Gods word and grow in Christ together.

What challenges have you faced as a Christian woman, and how have you overcome them?

Jada: Challenges I face as a Christian woman would for sure be judgement. Being a young Christian woman, I think people tend to forget the YOUNG part. The fact that I’m a PK (Preachers Kid), people expect a lot more from me, and are quick to judge my mistakes. I’ve overcame thm by simply giving things to God, while also understanding and admitting my faults to God when I fall. At the end of the day, he’s the only one who can judge me. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”,nobody’s perfect! Nobody should be judging anybody! Asking God to continue to help me stand firm in my faith while also being confident myself as a person.

How do you balance your personal life, family, and faith commitments?

Jada: I created balance actually by merging my work life & faith commitments. I find it hard for me to focus at home, so I make it a point to listen to prayers, sermons, gospel etc. while I work. Granted, my household is always playing gospel music! I feel my time is more personal with God at work because I work alone & I can really lock in w/ him. I definitely make sure to get some personal time in with myself. Rather it’s a simple walk, a bath, some movies, a nap or writing. I’ve been working on reading more again and I've slowed down and want to get back into it.

When I’m at home, I make sure to pray! I actually got this idea from one of the ladies in our prayer chat. She sets alarms to set aside time with God, so I took her advice and began to do so myself. I’ll worship in song or read a couple scriptures and pray. I've also been doing more fasting to make sure I set aside that time for God so I'm able to hear from him.

I make time for family by going to the park with my son and daughter, they love it! We have shows we like to watch together and I implement God in my time with my oldest. We pray together and we love to sing worship songs together as well. She's interested in the drums because her dad plays, as well as praise dance (which I love because I grew up dancing myself).

What does sisterhood in Christ mean to you, and how do you foster it among women in Muskegon?

Jada: Sisterhood In Christ means to me, having strong bonds with other women who love the Lord. Women that I know I can trust to intercede for me when I’m struggling, or listen when I’m hurting and vise versa. Women that can come together and love on each other with the love of the Lord! Pray and fast together, build one another up! I’ve fostered it among women in Muskegon by trying to make it a point to spread love and not hate. These days we see sooo much hate amongst women and it bothers me. We need to uplift eachother and be in each others corner. There’s already so much against us, why be against eachother?! I’m always showing love and offering prayer (as well as within the group chat of course)!

We’ve been looking to plan a Bible study brunch or picnic soon and hopefully we could get new comers to join us I’ll have more information regarding that soon!

What advice do you have for anyone whose struggling with their faith or have walked away from Christ?

Jada: Advice that I have for anyone struggling with their faith or walked away from Christ is to ask for clarity. Ask for God to cleanse your heart and mind. You have to really lock in with him no matter how you feel! Press your way through because I’ve learned not go through things but to grow through them. Even when it hurts, pray and be honest with yourself and God because he knows all. He knew before it happened to you or before you felt what you feel. Understand he’s forgiving and there’s nothing too hard for him, he’s with you ALWAYS! Even in your mistakes ,he won’t fail you so study his promises for sure!

Also don’t be afraid to question him!! How can you receive an answer without asking a question? Ask and ye shall receive! Remember that when you ask, also ask for the wisdom, strength and open mindedness. Allowing for you to hear his voice and to accept the answer for what it is. You have to trust his plan for you, he didn’t design us for failure! We’re created in his image!

What advice would you give to young women in Muskegon who are beginning their faith journey?

Jada: To the women beginning their faith journey in Muskegon, I’d say ask God to guide you on where to visit in terms of Bible studies and Sunday services. See where your spirit is most comfortable, ask around and see where people recommend. I don’t currently attend in person due to work, but I’m a member at Greater Harvest Baptist Church and I attend online every week and for Bible study when I can. I’ve also heard great things about Pastor Duren’s church! If these help anyone to start. I’m also down to study scriptures, you can be added to our groupchat as well!

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Great story of faith! Ty for sharing

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